Erick has been sharing his experiences and insight for years. Since 2003, his articles have been published in magazines like SWAT, Soldier of Fortune, TTPOA's COMMAND, American Handgunner, GUNSmagazine.com, as well as at ModernServiceWeapons.com and AmericanCop.com.
A frequent podcast guest, he has appeared on Primary & Secondary, GUNS Magazine, The GunCranks, EvoSec, That Weems Guy, and the Off-Duty/On-Duty shows.
A selection of podcasts, articles, and AARs is provided below.
Erick Gelhaus has been a featured guest on numerous podcasts, including:
Course Reviews (AARs)
AmericanCop: Learning To Teach The Dot (1/21/2025)
Athlon Outdoors: Learn to Run a Red Dot Optic at the Gunsite 350 Pistol with Optics Class (4/17/24)
Primer Peak: Thunderstick Summit After Action Report [2023] (2/27/24)
Low Light Instructor: Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (2022)
Low Light Instructor: Oceanside Police Department (2022)
Rangemaster Monthly Newsletter: Cougar Mountain Solutions Pistol Mounted Optic Instructor (July 2023)
Police1: Perfectly timed critiques and praise': A review of Erick Gelhaus' pistol red dot sight occlusion class (11/28/23)
Pistol-Forum.com: AAR: Gunsite 350RDS (8/22/22)
Pistol-Forum.com: AAR: Erick Gelhaus "Good Guy with a Gun" (6/28/21)
Pistol-Forum.com: Defensive Accuracy Bay Area California (9/27/20)